Can you believe summer is almost over already? The kids will be back in school before you know it.

It seems many families find the transition back to a regular schedule to be bumpy and unsettling. The supplies! The activities! The assignments! It can all get a bit overwhelming, and definitely make it difficult to stay organized.

Enter…The Magic Minute.

The Magic Minute is simple — got a pot of water waiting to boil? Open up that kitchen junk drawer and edit out any unnecessary items. Essentially, the “magic minute” is taking advantage of little snippets of available time to organize as you go.

A minute may not seem like much, but small consistent steps in the right direction lead to big change. Before you know it, you’ll be running the smoothly-operated household of your dreams — with your eyes closed.

Not sure how to get started? We’ve got you covered! Read on for ideas on how to utilize the magic minute in different areas of your home.

In the Kitchen

The aforementioned boiling pot of water is a great example of a segment of time you can use to your organizing advantage. Got kitchen clutter? Use this time to clear off those counters that have gathered the dreaded pandemic pile-up. Sort any paper by what’s current & needing attention, versus needing the ol’ heave-ho.

Does your pantry need perfecting? This quick activity will have everyone finding their snacks quickly & easily: Group all snack bars and place them in a pantry bin on a dedicated shelf. Got another extra minute? Label the shelf ‘bars’. Now everyone can find their favorite bar and keep “hangry” housemates at bay.

In the Home Office

Finished all of your high-priority tasks and waiting on a response before you can move on to the next item? Now’s a great time to edit your office supplies. Toss those that haven’t served your needs. This frees up the space to replace them if need be with supplies that boost productivity and even spark a little joy. Your office space should be inspiring, pleasant, and comfortable.

PRO TIP: Reupping your office supply stash? Head to The Container Store for a plethora of office supplies & storage solutions. Selecting items that match your personal style make it easier to keep your work space neat and tidy.

In the Mudroom

Don’t just pass through this space without taking a minute to tidy up. This modern-day coat closet is supposed to make coming and going easier but the pile up of coats, shoes, and bags often makes it more challenging to get out the door. Instead of just hanging up your coat, take an extra minute for a quick blitz to return other coats to hooks, tidy up shoes, remove items that don’t belong, and sort the mail. This will provide the calm you need to handle what comes next.

PRO TIP: Got another extra minute waiting in the driveway for the kids? Collect trash and organize the trunk to make space for groceries, sports bags, etc. The car can become a dumping ground for all manner of things. Don’t let yours become another storage place.

Setting Yourself Up for Success

The magic minute is here for you to utilize throughout your day to ensure you and your household are ready to rock and roll this back-to-school season. This mighty little minute may be short, but each of these simple tasks add up to BIG results. In no time, you’ll be saying goodbye to clutter and overwhelm, and hello to smart organization!

Got a larger project in mind, or need some help from a pro? Reach out and we’ll have your home in A+ shape in no time!