When it comes to moving, we’ve found a simple trick that can save you a ton of time and hassle: keep your clothes on the hanger and pack them in boxes. It’s the quickest and easiest way to handle hanging clothes, and it keeps your closet organized for a smoother transition.

Here’s why we recommend this method: if you take the time to remove clothes from hangers, fold them neatly, and then rehang them in your new closet, it can really slow down the unpacking process. By leaving items on the hanger, you can maintain the arrangement you had in your old closet, whether you organized by category, color, or any other system.

Instead of using standard wardrobe boxes, we prefer using large linen boxes for most clothing. These boxes hold more and fit hangers perfectly. Just grab a handful of hangers, fold the items in half, and place them in the box. Alternate the direction of the hangers to keep the pile flat, and use paper or plastic bags between layers to prevent wrinkles. This method not only keeps your clothes organized but also makes unpacking a breeze.

For longer items like dresses or items with delicate details, standard wardrobe boxes may not be ideal. That’s where “shorty” wardrobe boxes come in handy, especially for men’s suits and sport coats. They’re easier to manage, take up less space, and are simpler to recycle after unpacking.

While there are DIY methods like trash bags or sheets for moving clothes, we advise against these when using professional movers. Professional movers know how to handle boxes efficiently, maximizing space in the truck and ensuring your items arrive safely.

Ultimately, whether you’re moving with professional help or doing it yourself, keeping clothes on hangers and using well-packed boxes is the key to a smoother moving experience.