1. Start Early: Begin the decluttering process well in advance of your move date to avoid feeling rushed or overwhelmed. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to tackle different areas of your home. Do take advantage when the mood strikes. Bursts of decluttering can be as effective as intense sessions.

2. Take It Room by Room: Break down the decluttering process into manageable tasks by focusing on one room at a time. Start with areas that tend to accumulate the most clutter, such as closets, basements, and attics. We also recommend starting with areas and belongings that are less emotionally charged and easier to decide. Attics, basements and garages hold items that are less frequently used and may be easier to let go.

2a. Take it Category by Category: Oftentimes breaking the decluttering process down even further is more manageable. For example, sort and edit your kitchen cooking utensils, collect all your board games and let go of the ones that your family no longer enjoys, assess your sheets and towels keeping only the ones you need and use. These micro-decluttering sessions done consistently will yield material results in bite-size chunks.

If you find yourself paralyzed with these large spaces consider bringing in professional support. A team of organizers can make quick work of a large, cluttered space giving you the hands on support and proven process for quick decision-making.

3. Focus on the Keep items: As you declutter each space, segregate the “keep” from the “do not want”. Make this decision first. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and use regularly. Remove the trash and recycling immediately and circle back later on how to get rid of the items you don’t want. Identifying what you don’t want and simply setting it aside is easier than deciding how or where to donate.

4. Consider Your New Space: Keep your new home in mind as you declutter. Consider factors such as layout, storage space, and lifestyle changes to determine which items are worth bringing with you and which can be left behind.

5. Get Creative with Disposal: Explore options for selling, donating, or recycling items you no longer need. List items for sale online, or donate gently used belongings to charity organizations in your area. This process can take considerable time. Once you have a better understanding of what you are letting go you can consider the options for all your items at once which generally saves you time.

6. Stay Organized: As you declutter and pack, stay organized by labeling your segregated piles and boxes clearly. Don’t skip this simple step! It will save you valuable time as you and your family work to make decisions. Realistically, the decluttering process takes time and is done over a period of time in between work and life. Our memories are short and labels help avoid re-doing the work you did during a previous decluttering session. You can quickly see at a glance that you decided and can continue the sorting process. Labeling packed boxes clearly will make unpacking and settling into your new home much easier.

Decluttering before you move is a smart investment of time and effort that pays off. By reducing the amount of stuff you have to pack and move, you can save time, money, and stress during the moving process. Plus, you’ll start off your new chapter with a clutter-free home and a sense of peace and clarity. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

For more tips on decluttering and organizing your home, be sure to check out our other blog posts. And if you’re in need of professional assistance with your upcoming move, don’t hesitate to reach out for expert guidance and support.

Happy decluttering and happy moving!