
I’m managing my move myself – I’ve heard about an Essentials Box or Unpack First Box – what does this include? Tell me more please.


Before moving or relocating, everyone should prepare an essentials box, a box full of items you’ll need for your last few nights before you move and/or the first few nights in your new home.

This should actually be the last box you pack before you move, but it’s a good idea while you’re going through the cupboards, drawers and shelves, to identify what you’ll need for the first few hours/days in your new home. This box will be the first box you open and should include items that will enable you to provide small meals, do some light cleaning, deal with small emergencies, or in case the movers are delayed.

Some people opt for packing an essentials box for every room in their house. We recommend that each family member pack a suitcase as if going on a vacation or long weekend. This ensures that each person has clothes, personal items, books, a favorite toy, pillow, etc. that will make those first few days easier.

Then, we suggest a separate box that travels with you in the car or is the first box off the moving truck. Realistically, this might be several boxes. We suggest using brightly colored (red?) duct tape to clearly mark these boxes.


You may not be ready to pack your Essentials Boxes yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start making a list of items to include. The rule of thumb is to include all essentials that you’ll need for at least 24 hours. Presumably, there’s a grocery or convenience store nearby, or you can order food for delivery but just in case, you should have some food stuff on hand that you can quickly prepare for your family. Nothing worse than tired, hungry, or thirsty family members on moving day!.

After you’ve prepared your Essentials Box, take it with you in the car or in the cab of the moving van if you’re moving yourself. Again, this will be the last box packed, and the first one you open!

We can do this for you…