The real estate market is still hot, inventory is low, and your realtor has given you a detailed decluttering plan to get your house listed and sold. You’re thinking “sure, I can handle this myself”. 

A few days or maybe a week go by and you haven’t started yet. But you think, “it’s easy, I’ll just hide all the tchotchkes in the cabinets and get some bags and boxes to load up stuff I don’t want.”

As soon as you get started you realize – “this is a much bigger project than I thought – there aren’t enough hours left  to finish this”. 

There’s an easy way to avoid this looming nightmare–this is where professional organizing services can transform your move.

There are many factors that go into your decision to go it alone or to hire a professional organizer to do it; most people think that they can do it themselves and save quite a bit of money.

This may be true from a dollars and cents perspective, and if your move is small

  • from one apartment to another apartment in a nearby location
  • if you’re single or a small family, or
  • if you can devote your life to downsizing and packing for the next few months.

Otherwise, the actual cost of hiring a professional organizing team is easily offset by your improved quality of life – less stress and more time.

Before you decide to go it alone, consider these realities surrounding your move.

You Are Super Busy

In the real world, your life doesn’t come to a screeching halt so you can manage your move. You’ve still got work, family, and all the paperwork and logistics associated with your move. There simply isn’t the time to declutter and prepare your house for listing or to pack boxes.

Moving is emotionally draining–when you’re cleaning out drawers and closets you’re also cleaning out memories. Many home seller’s have found themselves on the floor hours later, surrounded by elementary school art projects, with not a single thing packed.

When you hire a professional move manager to prep your house and pack your belongings, we are more efficient and focused–without any emotional ties, things move faster and they keep you on track saving you hours, days, and weeks of time you don’t actually have.

Organization Is Not Your Forte

Prepping for sale, packing for a move, and unpacking in your new home is a lot like painting–it’s the prep work that kills you. And when was the last time you painted? You learned a long time ago to hire a professional. 

Managing a move means being super-organized–you’ll need to know everything in your house, know how to pack it, and where it belongs in the new house. Smartly Organized can manage these logistics for you. Inventories are taken, unwanted items are sold or donated, boxes are labeled, and your belongings are packed so that unpacking them makes sense and goes quickly. 

When Smartly Organized manages your move we’re your partner in the move–we know what’s coming down the pipeline before you do and manage the details so you can focus on the bigger picture.

You Have A Lot of Stuff

Any house with three bedrooms or more needs professional support. Add in kids (of any age) and years of living/accumulated clutter and you’ve got the trifecta/Bermuda triangle. 

Once you start digging out closets and cabinets you’ll be shocked at how much stuff is crammed in your house or apartment, and it’s going to take a lot more time than you thought to sort, organize and decide everything. Not to mention wrap and pack boxes so that breakables don’t break, boxes aren’t too heavy, and everything is labeled and organized.

Smartly Organized won’t cut corners or get overwhelmed so you and your belongings will be happier in the long run with proper packing.

And, movers, bless their hearts, won’t edit and organize your stuff.

You’re Moving Long Distance

Any inter-state move truly demands professional move management. An interstate move is based on the weight on the truck combined with the distance, and it can get pricey. There can be a material difference in pricing if you “just take it and deal with it later.” More stuff = more weight. Plus, dealing with unwanted furniture and stuff in a new town or city will be even harder and more frustrating as you and your family try to settle in. 

Unpacking and putting things away is even harder than packing. Is this really the best use of your valuable time? Only you can support your kids in a new school, find the doctors and other service providers you need, and get yourself comfortable in your new town or city. 

The Smartly Organized team can get you up and running so you can start enjoying your new home from day one.  

You’re Building or Renovating your New Home 

Whoa! How’s that to-do list of yours? On a scale of 1 -10 how stressed are you right now? The volume of decisions needed to accomplish even a simple renovation these days is mind-boggling. And you’re not even doing the actual renovation work. 

Pandemic Project Management should be a course: How to manage and juggle staffing, material sourcing, remote school, quarantine for you, your family and/or your construction crew, and other aspects in an ever-changing world. Hmmm, perhaps I’m onto something here. Seriously though, managing the logistics around any home project takes time and effort.

We can help you manage the activities and work out a plan so you can have a smooth and easy transition. Whether you are just trying to freshen your house with new paint before listing or figure out how to move into a partially renovated home our team has seen it all.

Hire a Professional Organizer

The takeaway is that you should weigh your quality of life preceding your move against the actual cost of a Professional Organizer to help you prep, pack, unpack, and organize your new home. Ultimately, it’s a relatively small price to pay, (honestly we often save our clients money) so that you can rest assured that you haven’t missed anything or made a mistake. Take back your time and start your new life stress free and relaxed.