Today, at Smartly Organized, we’re diving deep into garage organization—a space that’s often overlooked but holds tremendous potential for decluttering and maximizing your home’s functionality.

Did you know that garages were originally just meant for cars? Now, they’ve evolved into valuable extensions of our homes. Surveys reveal that only 30% of people park their cars in the garage because, well, there’s just too much stuff!

Whether you’re gearing up to sell your home or simply want to reclaim this valuable space, organizing your garage is key.

Here are some expert tips to guide you through the process:

Timing is Everything: Spring or summer is ideal for a garage overhaul. It’s time to transition from winter gear to summer essentials and take stock of what you have.

Assess Your Garage Stuff: Sort through everything—donate what you don’t need, discard what’s junk, and keep only what’s essential. Setting up a sorting area with a pop-up tent and table can make this task more manageable.

  • Check Kids’ Items: Are they worn out? Too small? Not used anymore? It might be time to toss or donate.
  • Weed out multiples and just keep what is needed.
  • Consider donating any “saving for a rainy day” items that haven’t been used in years.

Keep it Clean: Regularly clean out dirt, leaves, and dust to maintain a fresh and tidy garage environment. Use a stiff broom or leaf blower for a powerful effort.

Create Your Garage Zones: Designate areas for sports gear, auto supplies, yard tools, and more. Consider unique zones like a “garage mudroom” for messy items that you want to keep out of your home.

  • Group like items and consider bins to keep them clean. If you bin them, label them clearly for easy access.
  • Find a corner for the snow blower/generator that doesn’t get used often.
  • Rarely used or seasonal items go on higher shelves.
  • Kids sports gear should be low and accessible
  • Create parking with paint or tape spots for strollers, wagon, electric kids cars and ride on toys

Design Your System: Sketch out a floor plan and measure your space and storage items. Whether you’re starting from scratch or enhancing existing shelves, a well-designed system is key to efficient organization.

Installation: DIY or professional installation, choose what works best for you. Keep items off the floor whenever possible to free up space and maintain a tidy garage.

Ready to take these garage organization tips and transform your space into a functional and organized space? Share your Before and After pictures with us—we’d love to see your progress!

Looking for help to transform your garage into a functional and organized space? Request a Consult at and let’s make your garage the envy of the neighborhood!

Happy Organizing!