Lately we’ve been getting bombarded with requests for toy room makeovers. It’s not surprising with kids being home more these days. Toy rooms are getting maximum use. Keeping this space tidy and organized is a challenge, especially after a year of being stuck at home!
You might have been willing to look the other way and live with it, but what if you are moving and need to uplevel this space for potential buyers? Or, what if you just moved into your new home and looking the other way isn’t an option anymore! You’re tired of looking at the disorganized space?
Ready to Get Started?
If you’re wondering what to do to finally tackle the toy room, you’re in the right spot!
Whether you are selling or dwelling, we’ve got our favorite tips for keeping the space organized.
Toy Room Tidying Tips:
1. Less is More: Edit and purge: You don’t need every toy. Your children age out of toys just like they grow out of clothes. These items need to be weeded out. And too much choice can be paralyzing to a young child. Don’t agonize over what to edit out. Start with toys that are broken, missing pieces, or just plain didn’t grab your child’s attention, for instance. Before you know it you’ll have a nice pile to donate or toss.
2. Create your zones: By zones we mean kitchen play area, arts and crafts, reading, etc. These zones help keep a typical classroom organized and encourage various types of play. Apply this same concept to your home. This doesn’t mean you can’t mix transportation toys with kitchen play (we all know our food at the grocery store arrives via trailer truck, right?) but learning to group like items is an intellectual pursuit that will benefit your children organizationally for years to come.

3. Contain and Label: Avoid large toy boxes, except for very large items. Small toys or game pieces will get lost in the bottom of a large bin or basket and never be played with. Instead, use clear plastic shoe boxes or zippered pouches. Shoe boxes with lids are great for stacking and storage but may be impractical for smaller children. Small open bins with both picture and word labels placed in cubbies or on low shelves will be easier to access and help with the clean-up process.
4. Show – don’t just tell: Watching our habits is how our children learn. They’ll pick up good habits with consistent guidance, and will be more likely to make good use of the well-organized spaces you’ve created for them. Practice regular toy sorting and review with your children. Firstly, this activity teaches them what it means to clean up and also introduces long-term organizational skills. Lastly, it reinforces the concept that their possessions are their responsibility and they need to take care of them.
Productive Quality Time
Part of the challenge of kid clutter is modern childhood itself. Our children lead hectic, little lives, jam-packed with activities, for instance. Moreover, as parents we are often overextended and feel like cleaning up the playroom is just another chore!!
The truth is, a well-structured toy room can be playful and productive quality time with our children.
Need Some Help Tidying Your Toy Room?
If the toy room has become a monster of its own, and you just can’t bring yourself to tackle it or don’t know where to start to have a well-structured space, we are always up for the challenge! Designing playrooms you and your children will love to keep tidy is one of our specialties. Reach out if you need some help.