Selling Your Home?

Selling your home and want to get top dollar?  If so, remember that staging a house for sale is all about presentation and perception. Following are two crucial steps in staging a house that will create a significant POSITIVE IMPRESSION on potential buyers.

Clear Off all Surfaces – Yes, I’m referring to EVERY surface and I mean unclutter, remove, empty, free-up, and erase all items atop from view. For example, do not leave mail stacked on the kitchen counter or use your dining table as a desk.  Same for bookshelves, fireplace mantels, and side tables…you get the idea.

Clear Off the Floor – You know what I’m talking about: that pile of books by your bedside, the magazines stacked aside the living room couch, the shoes by the door and so on. And, of course, if not obvious, sweep and vacuum every spec and dust bunny from corner to corner.

The reality is that these kinds of seemingly innocent piles, neat and tidy to your eye, are actually distractions that might be perceived as red flags by potential buyers. Those would-be purchasers might conclude that the house lacks closet and storage space.  Beware of stashing, though.  Buyers tend to snoop behind closed doors and even in cabinets, so you cannot simply dump or hide clutter in a closet or cabinet.  Take the time to purge what you don’t need and pack up the rest so it’s ready for the move.


When it’s time to sell your home, and you gaze around and realize that clutter has gotten the best of your space, there’s plenty you can do to revamp and stage your home for a quick and profitable sale. In other words, never sell your house short. One of many staging tactics is to show it off by clearing it off.

Does the prospect of clearing, de-cluttering, de-personalizing and readying your home for sale instill overwhelm or dread (or perhaps even leave you annoyed)?  If you’d like to learn more and enlist the help of a professional, contact me for a consultation. I look forward to easing your move in any and all respects.