Spring Is Officially Here + Tips To Make The Most Of This Time

Spring Is Officially Here + Tips To Make The Most Of This Time

Hello Neighbor! How are you doing? I know that’s a loaded question. We’re living a new reality. All this uncertainty and worry is hard. Seems like so little is within our control. Despite the worry and concern for our collective health and safety I am...
Valentine’s Day and Memorabilia

Valentine’s Day and Memorabilia

Valentine’s Day and MemorabiliaWith Valentine’s Day coming soon it made me think about all the stuff we save over the years given to us by the ones we love, and the things we save related to the ones we love. The holiday provides a great opportunity to...
Deck The Halls

Deck The Halls

Holiday Decorating and De-cluttering Tips   The countdown to December 25th seems to start earlier every year.  As a kid I remember thinking it would never come but as a parent I now realize it’s a mad dash to the finish line for most.  Getting organized for...