Unfortunately, a parade and BBQ are not likely on your schedule for this Memorial Day. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the outdoors. This weekend is the perfect time to get your home and family organized and prepared for those long lazy days of summer....
Looking for some special gifts for Mom? Show Mom you love her in a unique, organized way! Treasured Memories Have family photos, movies & even slides (if you have them) digitized for enjoyment for generations to come. One of my favorite...
This week marks Week Five of #stayathome. Masks and gloves at the grocery store are our new normal. WFH is now as common as #TBT. Emotions are high. I read a great post from a licensed clinical therapist explaining how natural it is to feel guilty about grieving my...
Hello Neighbor! How are you doing? I know that’s a loaded question. We’re living a new reality. All this uncertainty and worry is hard. Seems like so little is within our control. Despite the worry and concern for our collective health and safety I am...
Have you ever wanted to change the purpose of a room or transform a space in your home? Eke out more living space by dressing up that unfinished area to feel cozier? Or, tackle a full renovation of that unfinished space?I’ve done all three in my home and I love...
Valentine’s Day and MemorabiliaWith Valentine’s Day coming soon it made me think about all the stuff we save over the years given to us by the ones we love, and the things we save related to the ones we love. The holiday provides a great opportunity to...