Want to get everyone out the door and to school on time without forgetting anything? We’ve pulled together some of our favorite tips to help you master your mornings in no time.

Do as much as you can the night before.

Picking out clothes, making lunches, filling water bottles, and prepping breakfast are game-changers. Make sure breakfast foods are easy to reach. Scan agendas and backpacks for missing homework, projects, or library books. Make sure musical instruments or sports bags are packed and ready to go

Have a “leaving for school” station.

By the door where you normally leave is best, but it can be somewhere else as long as it’s designated. This is where backpacks, shoes, jackets, snow gear, etc. live – from the time the kids get home to the next morning when they leave. This ensures no one’s running around the house looking for their shoe…or their mitten…or their backpack while the rest of the family waits in the car.

If you have an Alexa, put her to work!

Instead of being the one who has to nag and remind your kids what to do each morning, hand that responsibility over. For example, 20 minutes before you leave, have her announce “Hey kids, make sure you have your library books or instruments ready to go” and then 10 minutes before, “hey kids, put your snack, lunch and water bottles in your backpacks” and then 5 minutes before, “hey kids, put your coats and shoes on so we can leave on time!” Customize these for the things your family needs help with. Is it reminding the kids to brush their teeth? Take vitamins? Get their planner signed? Make it work for you – and enjoy your coffee while Alexa does the heavy lifting.

Get the most out of the school drop-off and pick-up line

It feels like we spend an eternity in these lines…and it happens every. single. day. If you usually use this time for checking emails or scrolling social media, you’re not alone. Why not give the waiting a little purpose?

Here are a few ideas to maximize that line:

  • Keep a stash of small trash bags (or reused plastic grocery bags) in the car. Before school, with the kids in the car, pull out a bag and it’s all hands on deck to pick up any trash on/below/behind the seats. Simply, throw it away when you get home.
  • After school, while you’re waiting for the dismissal bell, use some car wipes or cleaning gel to clean up dust/grime or use a portable handheld vacuum to clean up the seats or floor mats.
  • Other productivity ideas for this time? Make appointments (doctor, dentist, etc.); clean up that week’s photos on your phone (you know how we take 10 pictures and end up with one good one? Use this time to delete the other 9 and free up space!); self care – put on a guided meditation and take a few breaths before the evening’s activities begin.

BONUS TIP:  RideShare Planning

Carpooling is a life saver – saves time – not to mention gas – and the kids enjoy the time together. My children are older now but I always loved listening to their conversations and miss those days. What I don’t miss is the daily text thread trying to figure out who can drive that day and not knowing if the carpool coverage was fair. I always had conflicts and found this daily decision stressful and time-consuming. Formalizing a carpool with a shared group is the way to go. It can be as easy as assigning the same day each week to one person in your 5 family carpool. That way, mom and dad know exactly what day they drive to and/or from practice. Of course, you can get fancy with a spreadsheet that details a more complicated carpool schedule that allows everyone to contribute the same amount of time but with a more random schedule that suits their availability. I’ve done this and would be happy to help you with this.

With a little planning and organizing, you can sit back and reap the rewards. Want some extra help getting your home and family organized? Just reach out – we’re here to help!